0300-365-3005 GreenDoctorsLDN@groundwork.org.uk
Green Doctors Webinars for frontline workers Advice & Information
Dhakhaatiirta Cagaaran
We are a charity that offers free and impartial energy advice to help residents stay warm, save money and live greener. We are currently offering a hybrid model of service in the boroughs we cover. You can access our services online and via telephone or alternatively request a home visit.
Webinars for
shaqaalaha safka hore
We're offering a monthly webinar to frontline workers to help you recognise the signs of fuel poverty. These sessions will also teach you about how the Green Doctor service can help your clients at this difficult time.
Advice & Information
We are expert energy advisors who provide advice and support for Londoners; helping you stay warm and save money on your home energy bills.


If you use British Sign Language (BSL), we can provide free energy-saving advice via video call with a BSL interpreter.

Language interpreters for non-English speakers are also available.

Maxaan kuu qaban karnaa?

For 17 years we’ve been helping residents stay well and warm at home, and save money on their household bills. These are some of the ways we can support you when you sign up for a free phone consultation:

  • Advice on reducing energy use at home
  • Supporting with accessing the water discounts or Priority Services Register
  • Support with applications for energy or water debt relief
  • Referring you for the installation of larger measures if needed
  • Referring you to other support organisations within your community if needed
  • Delivering small efficiency measures, such as LED lightbulbs

Visit our advice page for more details of how we can help you if you are struggling with your energy bills.


Energy Consultation FAQs


What support can the Green Doctor offer during the energy consultation?

The Green Doctor is exercising a hybrid model of phone consultation or home visits. During the consultation, the Green Doctor will be able to offer you advice on how to save energy around your home,apply for discounts and tell you about what further support is available. The Green Doctor will offer advice on a room-by-room basis and will identify where you might be able to save money and energy.

How long will the consultation last?

The phone consultation will last between 45 – 60 minutes, depending on your particular energy needs. The home visits take a little bit longer, around 90 minutes.

Waa maxay farqiga u dhexeeya booqasho guri iyo wadahadal taleefan?

The Green Doctor will not be able to install small measures in your home, however, we will note down what you would like to receive and will do our best to deliver these to you at a later date for you to self-install.

Sideen ugu diyaargaroobaa wadahadalka khadka taleefanka?

Si aad nooga caawiso inaan ku siino talada ugu fiican, fadlan bixi biilashaada tamarta si aad u dhiibato. Inta lagu jiro la-tashiga, waxaan sidoo kale ku weydiin doonaa xoogaa su'aalo ah oo ku saabsan da'da kuleylkaaga iyo haddii dayactir looga baahan yahay guriga. Ha welwelin haddii aadan haysan dhammaan macluumaadka aad gacanta ku hayso, maadaama aad mar walba nala wadaagi karto macluumaadkan taariikh dambe halka ay suurogal tahay.

Can a Green Doctor still help me switch tariffs?

Dhakhtarka cagaaran wuxuu awoodi doonaa inuu ku siiyo talo kusaabsan biilashaada iyo waxa jadwalka tarikhda adiga kuugu fiican. Fadlan hayso biilashaada utility marka aad soo wacdo taleefankaaga si dhaqtarka cagaaran uu weydiin karo su'aalo ku saabsan waxa lagugu soo oogay.

Miyaan wali heli karaa talo ku saabsan gaaska, korantada ama biyo iga soo hara?

Haa, Dhakhtarka cagaaran wuxuu awoodi doonaa inuu kugula taliyo kaalmada laga heli karo wixii tamarta ama deynta biyaha ah ee aad haysatid. Markay suurtagal tahay, Dhakhtarka cagaaran wuxuu awood u yeelan doonaa inuu buuxiyo foom isla markaana, oggolaanshahaaga, si toos ah uga dalbo adiga deeq ahaan.

Lacag miyaa la igu dallici doonaa adeeggan?

No, both home visits and telephone consultations are absolutely free. We receive funding from local authorities and housing associations to support this service so that it won’t cost you a penny.

If I do receive my energy efficiency measures at a later date, who will be dropping them off at my house?

Our friendly team of Green Doctors are trained Energy advisors who provide advice on energy saving, energy bills, and heating systems. A Green Doctor will drop off the energy efficiency measures to your home. They will ring you beforehand to let you know they are on their way. All Green Doctors carry an ID badge which they will show you on arrival.

I have arranged an energy consultation but it isn’t a convenient time anymore. Can I change it?

We have lots of residents waiting for a Green Doctor consultation. If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, we kindly ask that you contact us at least 24 hours in advance so we have time to book an appointment with another resident.
To reschedule, give us a call at 0300 3653 005 or email GreenDoctorsLDN@groundwork.org.uk.

Waxaan u maleynayaa in adeegga Takhtarka Cagaaran uu waxtar u yeelan lahaa saaxiibkay / ehelkayga. Sideen u gudbin karaa?

Waad u gudbin kartaa qof adigoo noogu soo gudbinaya faahfaahinta xiriirka (fadlan ogeysii inaan wici doonno!) Ama way nala soo xiriiri karaan. Fadlan maskaxda ku hay aasaaskayaga u qalmida markaad dadka tixraacayso.

Miyaad maamushaa munaasabadaha iyo tababarka internetka?

Yes, we do run events and training.
Please get in contact about how we can run an online training or advice event for you or your clients. Call us at 0300 365 3005 or email gdsevents@groundwork.org.uk

Visit our training page for the latest online webinars and training events.

Ayaa u qalma?

Deganeyaasha naafo ah ama leh xaalado caafimaad oo muddo dheer ah.
Deganeyaasha uurka leh.
Deganeyaasha leh caruur kayar 10 sano.
Deganeyaasha dakhligoodu hooseeyo (ka hooseeya £ 16,190).
Deganeyaasha leh qiimaha tamarta oo ka badan 10% ee dakhliga reerka.
Deganayaasha macaashka
Deganeyaasha dhowaan waayey shaqadooda ama dakhligoodii.


Maxay Deganeyaashu yiraahdaan