0300-365-3005 GreenDoctorsLDN@groundwork.org.uk

Energy Crisis: What can you do

With the recent news of rising gas prices and several smaller energy suppliers collapsing this is a really worrying time...

What is a smart meter and how could it help you to save money?

Smart meters are the next generation of gas and electricity meters. They’re currently being installed in homes across Great Britain...

Fuel poverty and the effect on Mental Health

Fuel poverty and the effect on Mental Health

A recent survey revealed that approximately 3.17 million households in the UK live in fuel poverty. This situation is extremely...

A smart meter could give you peace of mind if the money is tight

At one of the regular in-person session, a landlord approached the Green Doctors team and shared the challenges her low-income...

Fuel poverty: know the signs

In the UK, 1 in 7 household are living in fuel poverty, unable to afford to effectively heat their homes....

What’s so clever about a smart meter?

What is a Smart Meter? Smart Meters are the new generation of gas and electricity meters. Gradually, across Great Britain,...