0300-365-3005 GreenDoctorsLDN@groundwork.org.uk - 0300 365 3005

Podcast with Live In Care’s Luca Rado and Alex Clesham

Regaining control over your energy expenses can significantly enhance both your physical and mental well-being! As part of the community charity Groundwork London, the Green Doctors are a dedicated team of energy experts providing complimentary energy consultations and home visits for eligible residents, assisting them during these challenging times. We currently service 16 boroughs in London.

Check out a recent interview with the Live In Care company to discover how to maintain a warm home while significantly reducing your energy costs. (Insert the podcast video)

This interview dives deep into our efforts to support individuals, particularly those dealing with financial difficulties or health issues, in staying comfortable and healthy while minimizing their bills. We provide free home energy evaluations, connect you with cost-saving initiatives, and empower you to manage your energy consumption effectively.

Are you ready to enhance your home’s efficiency, identify hidden energy leaks, and learn about available financial aid programs? Tune in!

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