0300-365-3005 GreenDoctorsLDN@groundwork.org.uk - 0300 365 3005
How to keep cool on a budget

How to keep cool on a budget

It’s easy to forget that summer can also have an impact on our energy usage, as we desperately try to...

Changing Energy Suppliers- The Right Way!

Changing Energy Suppliers- The Right Way!

Frequently Green Doctors receive inquiries that may sound like the conversation below: Customer – Well X company says I can...

Fuel poverty and the effect on Mental Health

Fuel poverty and the effect on Mental Health

Ms S, 58 years old, resides as a Local Authority tenant. She lives alone, works remotely part-time, and claims disability...

A smart meter could give you peace of mind if the money is tight

At one of the regular in-person session, a landlord approached the Green Doctors team and shared the challenges her low-income...

Fuel poverty: know the signs

In the UK, 1 in 7 household are living in fuel poverty, unable to afford to effectively heat their homes....